What is curbside pickup service?
Curbside pickup is a service that the Jacob Edwards Library offers. Through this service, you may request library materials ahead of time to borrow and pick up outside the library. The curbside pickup procedure is subject to change.
What is the curbside pickup procedure?
Curbside pickup will take place at the rear of the building. Please pull into the drive where the accessible parking spaces are located. Please call 508-764-5426, or ring the doorbell to alert staff of your arrival.
What are the available pickup times?
Curbside service is available during Library hours.
Can I use the curbside pickup service if I don’t have a library card?
You will need to have a library card before placing hold requests.
Paper library card applications are available below. Please print and fill out an application (see links below), and either mail, e-mail or fax the completed and signed application back to the library. Staff will contact you with your library card information, and holds may be placed at that time. You may pick up your library card along with library materials during your pickup appointment. You must bring official identification, and current proof of address to receive your new card.
Library Card Application (English)
Library Card Application (Spanish)
How do I let the library know the titles that I want to borrow?
You may place your own hold requests through the library catalog or contact library staff by calling 508-764-5426.
Click here to learn how to place holds in the catalog. Staff are happy to help walk you through the process.
Am I able to place a hold request for items at other libraries?
The statewide Interlibrary Loan service is available from open libraries throughout the system. You may place holds for items at other libraries within the C/W MARS network through our catalog.
When can I pick up the library items that are on hold for me?
You will receive a notification when your item(s) are available for pickup via text or email.
Items must be picked up by the patron the items are checked out to unless other arrangements are made at the time of order. If patrons would like to grant permission to another individual to pick up on their behalf, please fill out the Library Card Use Permission Form and send it back to the library via e-mail or postal mail.
How do I get a library card? How do I get a card for my child?
Library cards are FREE! Complete a Library Card Application at any Check-out Desk. Present a completed application along with a photo ID that contains your name and current address. Photo ID without your current address must be accompanied by printed personal mail or official document. If you do not have printed personal mail, please ask the staff to mail you a postcard, which you can then present to the library staff as proof of your current address.
Paper library card applications are available below. Please print and fill out an application (see links below), and either mail, e-mail or fax the completed and signed application back to the library. Staff will contact you with your library card information, and holds may be placed at that time. You may pick up your library card along with library materials during your pickup appointment. You must bring official identification, and current proof of address to receive your new card.
Library Card Application (English)
Library Card Application (Spanish)
Parents and legal guardians may obtain a card for a child or legal dependent 5 or older at the Check-out Desk in the Children’s Room on the Lower Level of the Library. A parent or legal guardian must sign for a minor (under the age of 12) and present a photo ID that has the parent’s or guardian’s name and current address. Photo ID without your current address must be accompanied by printed personal mail or official document. If you do not have printed personal mail, please ask the staff to mail you a postcard, which you can then present to the library as proof of your current address.
What do I do if my address, telephone number/carrier, or e-mail address changes?
If your address, telephone number/carrier, or e-mail address changes, please notify the Library in person. Your e-mail address may be updated through the My Account page.
What do I do if my library card is lost or stolen?
Please call 508-764-5426 to report a lost or stolen card. You are responsible for all items checked out on your library card, so please make your report as soon as possible. There is a $1 charge for replacing your card, with a valid ID.
What do I do if I have lost or damaged library materials?
If you have lost or damaged JEL materials, you must pay for the replacement cost of the item(s), or provide a replacement of the same item(s). Please speak with a staff member in person about lost or damaged items.
If you have lost or damaged items from another library, please contact the owning library directly.
What are the loan periods for library materials?
Most items are loaned for three weeks. New books are loaned for two weeks. DVDs, video games, and Library of Things items are loaned for one week. There is an automatic renewal with the exception of Library of Things items.
How many items may I borrow on my card?
Lending policies are established to encourage the maximum responsible use of library materials by borrowers. New cardholders are limited to borrowing two items the first time a new card is used. Also, the library does reserve the right to limit a patron to three books on the same subject, so that other students and researchers may have access to materials in order to provide materials on a given subject for other patrons.
Each cardholder is limited to borrowing a total of 10 DVDs, CDs, and audiobooks at any given time. Video games are limited to 2 per family.
Are there fines for overdue library materials?
The Board of Trustees adopted a fine-free policy at their meeting in September 2021.
The only fines that JEL charges are on Library of Things items.
Can I renew borrowed items?
Most library materials will be renewed automatically. An email notification will be sent on the due date alerting patrons of the renewal status for checked-out items. It will indicate if their items were successfully renewed or unable to be renewed. Patrons can also log into their account to view the status of all checked-out items.
All CW MARS member libraries are participating in auto-renewal. This means that no matter where in CW MARS your materials were borrowed from, they will automatically renew once on the due date.
Does the Library have parking?
Yes, free parking is available. Parking is available along Main Street in front of the facility and in the municipal parking lot located behind the building. The entrance to the parking lot is via Foster Street.
Parking on Main Street and in the Foster Street lot has a two-hour limit. Should the parking lot be at capacity, additional spaces are available at the municipal lot on Central Street and LaRochelle Way.
There are 2 van-accessible spaces nearest the library at its rear (north) entrance.
Is the Library accessible?
Yes, the facility is accessible from the rear (north) parking entrance and an elevator is available.
Does the Library have changing facilities for infants?
Yes, both restrooms on the Lower Level nearest the Meeting Rooms have changing tables for infants. Please see the Check-Out Desk in the Children’s Department for access.
Does the Library have computers for public use?
Yes, computers are available for public use. Internet-accessible computers are located in the Children’s Department on the Lower Level for children eleven and younger. There are computers located in the Young Adult area for teens aged twelve to seventeen and computers located in the Computer Room on the Main Level for persons eighteen and older.
A valid library card in good standing is required to use the computers. In order for a card to be in good standing, the account must be clear of all fines. You may also obtain a one-time guest pass with a valid ID if you are not a library card holder.
There is an automatic time management system in use and computers will shut off after one hour. Extra time may be requested from a staff member. Work is unable to be saved to a library computer due to security software. Please bring a storage device with you if you wish to save your work. Flash drives may be purchased at the Information Desk for $10.00.
All computers have printing capability. The cost to print is 20¢ per page for black & white and $1.00 per page for color copies.
Does the Library have WiFi?
Yes, free WiFi is available throughout the building and around the perimeter, as well as from the parking lot.
Can I print my documents?
Yes! The Library utilizes a service called Princh.
To print from a mobile phone or tablet:
- When printing at the library: locate the print guide poster near the printer and scan the QR code.
- When printing remotely: open your browser, go to print.princh.com and enter the 6-digit printer ID to select the printer (109281).
- Upload your document(s).
- Adjust the settings.
- Enter your email address.
- Proceed to the Print Release Terminal to pay for and finalize your print job.
To print from your laptop:
- When printing remotely or at the library: open your browser, go to print.princh.com and enter the 6-digit printer ID to select the printer (109281).
- Upload your document(s).
- Adjust the settings.
- Enter your email address.
- Proceed to the Print Release Terminal to pay for and finalize your print job.
Does the Library have copy, scanning, and fax services?
The Library has a public photocopier located on the Main Level. The cost to copy is 20¢ per page, black and white only.
Documents can be scanned free of charge to an email address.
Staff can assist with using FaxZero.com which allows 3 pages to be transmitted, free of charge. An email address is required to use this service.
Faxing is also available at Plaza Liquors (200 Mechanic Street, Southbridge), the Joshua Hyde Public Library in Sturbridge, and Staples (120 Charlton Road, Sturbridge).
Does the Library have microfilm-reading services?
Yes, microfilm readers are located in the Computer Room on the Main Level.
A ScanPro 2000 is available, featuring high-resolution optics and scanning at all magnifications. An oversized, rotating screen and cutting-edge software let you automatically locate selected words on the film, and link to secondary sources when doing research. Any page or article can be printed or saved as a PDF file. The software also includes editing features, allowing you to "clean up" text or images.
Vital statistics, historical documents, and back issues of local newspapers including the Southbridge Evening News may be searched and printed (20¢ per page). Please see a staff member at the Information Desk on the Main Level to access our microfilm reader.